Garnishes add so much to the presentation of food.  They are small touches of beautification that draw attention to our eyes and invites us to partake. This is my favorite part of making a recipe because the creativity is limitless and dishes transform in exciting ways.

I thought a little tutorial on how to make lemon stars would be a good technique to share with you. It might take a bit of practice at first, so buy a couple extra lemons to start with until you get the hang of it.


You will need:

  • Lemons
  • Sharp knife


  1. Slice lemons and remove seeds.
  2. Cut around the lemon in a triangle pattern.

Step by step:

You need a very sharp knife so you can make your cuts easily into the lemon. It is very frustrating to be making cuts and have the knife get caught on the edge of the lemon and tear it. Cut the lemon in slices about 1/8 of an inch thick. Do not cut the slices too thin or they will not hold their shape.

Begin by making the first triangle.

Start cutting your second triangle from the bottom, right edge of the first triangle.

Continue making triangle cuts all the way around the lemon round. Always begin your cut and the bottom, right edge of the previous triangle.

Keep the cuts of the triangle closer to the edge of the rind. Do not make deep cuts into the lemon or your triangles won’t stay separated.

Hold the lemon slice stable as you cut.

Keep going.

To complete the star, match the last cut with the top of the first triangle.

Congratulations! You did it!

When life gives you lemons, make lemon stars,


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